Linux Service Unit File Format


  • just description


  • ususlly a link to the official website


  • lists any units upon which this unit essentially depends
  • the current unit starts when the required units are actived successfully
  • required units are started in parallel by default


  • similar to Requires=, but less strict
  • The systemd will attempt to start any units listed by Wants= when the current unit is actived. If wanted units are not found or failed to start, the current unit will continue to function.
  • Wanted units are started in parallel unless modified by other directives.


  • similar to Requires=, but also causes the current unit to stop when the associated unit terminates.


  • specifes units that will not be started unitl the current unit is marked as started
  • does not imply a dependency relationship


  • specifies units that should be started before the current unit


  • lists units that cannot be run at the same time as the current unit


  • can be used to provide a generic unit file that will only be run when on appropriate systems


  • similar to Condition...
  • a negative result causes a failure with this directive


  • simple: The main process of the service is specified in the start line.
  • forking: The service forks a child process and the parent process exits almost immediately. This type tells the systemd the service is sitll running even though the parent process exited.
  • onshot: The service will be short-lived and that systemd should wait for the process to exit before continuing on with other units. Used for one-off tasks.
  • dbus: The unit will take a name on the D-Bus bus.
  • notify: The service will issue a notification when it has finished staring up. The systemd process will wait for this to happen before proceeding to other units.
  • idle: The serivce will not be run until all jobs are dispatched.


  • specifies how a unit should be enabled
  • When enabled, a directory will be created within /etc/systemd/system named after the specified unit with .wants appended to the end. A symbolic link to the current unit will be created, creating the dependency.
  • For example, if the current unit has, a directory called will be created within /etc/systemd/system and a symbolic link to the current unit will be placed within.
  • Disabling the unit removes the link and removes the dependency relationship.


  • similar to the WantedBy directive, but instead specifies a required dependency that will cause the activation to fail if not met
  • When enabled, a unit with this directive will create a directory ending with .requires


  • allows units to be enabled under another name as well


  • allows units to be enabled or disabled as a set


  • For template units (covered later) which can produce unit instances with unpredictable names, this can be used as a fallback value for the name if an appropriate name is not provided.