最小生成树 ppk published on 2021-08-19 Prim AlgorithmHow does it run? Choose an arbitrary vertex v and let S={v} Choose a vertex u closest to S and add it into S and record the corresponding edge go on until all vertices are in S The recorded edges and S constructs a Minimum Spanning Tree Let G=(V,E,W) be a weithted connected graph and has n vertices.
socket in C ppk published on 2021-08-18一些常用的函数: c int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol); domain可选值:
Test ppk published on 2020-12-28 IntroductionThis is bold text, and this is emphasized text. Test for EquationsThis is an inline equation: a+b=? This is a display equation: KL(y^∣∣y)JS(y^∣∣y)=c=1∑My^clogycy^c=21(KL(y∣∣2y+y^)+KL(y^∣∣2y+y^)) Test for Code Block python 1 2