hxp ctf 2022 (2023): true_web_assembly


From the post:

  • “AsmBB is very secure web application, because of the internal design and the reduced dependencies. But it also supports encrypted databases, for even higher security.”
  • “Download, install and hack”


Goal is to get the admin to visit a page on the forum, HACK-HACK-HACK, /readflag will print out the flag.

Please don’t submit too many requests or try to abuse anything with the setup.

Linux Service Unit File Format



  • just description


  • ususlly a link to the official website


  • lists any units upon which this unit essentially depends
  • the current unit starts when the required units are actived successfully
  • required units are started in parallel by default


  • similar to Requires=, but less strict
  • The systemd will attempt to start any units listed by Wants= when the current unit is actived. If wanted units are not found or failed to start, the current unit will continue to function.
  • Wanted units are started in parallel unless modified by other directives.



题面是一个端到端加密的 pastebin,key 在前端生成不走后端,访问的时候放在 hash 里,flag 的 url 是可以直接拿到的,但是没有key。

在访问提供的 url 之前,bot 会先把 flag 的 url 带上 key 访问一遍,然后直接page.goto,所以 key 应该是要用 history.back 拿到。

首先是一个显而易见的注入,在 paste.ejs 里

SECCON2022 Quals



Python Socket Programming

How to build socket server and socket client by python?

The first think to decide is which protocol to use, TCP or UDP?

The main difference is that TCP is connection-oriented while UDP is connectionless.

In detail, the server or the client must maintain a connection if they use TCP.

How is this reflected in socket programming?

For example, if we want to send a message using UDP

About RSA

  1. choose two primes, and
  2. calculate
  3. calculate
    • is the Eular function, represents the number of integers prime with
    • if is a prime, then obviously
  4. choose no more than and prime with
  5. calculate such that
  6. then is public key and is private key
  7. don’t forget to destroy and

Now Alice wants to send some message to Bob.



  • 对数组进行排序,整个数组当然都是在内存里的,可以直接拿到
  • 而对磁盘数据(比如文件)进行排序,要先把数据读进内存,而且限于内存的大小,内存中在某一时刻只能有一部分数据



